Friday, May 7, 2010

What is the global community doing to stop deforestation?

By Alyssa

The level of destruction deforestation has on forests is no longer considered a potential danger to the local communities surrounding it. A poll taken in 2008 mandated that the rate at which trees are falling has increased 69% since the year prior. Therefore, it should be no surprise if the percentage has increased since then. However, despite the grip deforestation has had on the global community not much is being done because, “there is a big financial incentive especially from the United States to invade the public land and claim possession (Parker).”

Protocols of actions need to be made in order to decrease the amount of trees being decimated for the expansion of open land for high-rise pricing and development. What types of action could the world as a whole do to induce globalization and aid nations threatened by deforestation such as Brazil?

A recent study has shown that individuals should take the first step in learning about how limit such resources. Then one impact could be to boycott multi-national corporations who contribute to this malfeasance such as Burger King (Sander).

However, despite these attempts, deforestation is still occurring. For the future, plans were made at the last UN meeting for a new “Bali roadmap.” This concept would pay rainforest nations to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation. Brazil also made an announcement in hopes of gaining global support to back their proposal for no deforestation (BBC | News). However, neither of these operations will occur for another 3-5 years and the success rate of both is relatively low. What methods should the global community attempt in order to reduce deforestation for the present society?


  1. Many people fail to fully comprehend the harmful effects that deforestation in Brazil has on the world as a whole. Each year a number of unique animal species become endangered or extinct due to the effects deforestation. Similarly, plant species that may be of medical significance are also becoming extinct before scientists even have the opportunity to study them. Another result of deforestation is increased levels of carbon emissions, which puts all mankind in danger. In order to put an end to the negative effects of deforestation in Brazil, I believe that the global community should unite to immediately confront these issues at hand. This might sound like an unrealistic and difficult goal, however, thanks to globalization; this may not be as impractical as it sounds. For example, in today’s interconnected world forms of media such as television, the internet, and printed literature, can be used to address the issue of deforestation in Brazil. These forms of media can help to provide a global forum where the world’s scientists and environmentalists can work collectively to solve the problem of deforestation in Brazil.

  2. The most useful and important method of reaching the global community is by education. The world needs to be taught the harms of deforestation and what will happen in the future because of it. Putting together presentations to show on a global scale get the inhabitants of the world involved. Recently I was shown a movie on the emerging age of technology. Not only did it show me fascinating statistics on how this day and age works, but it also kept me aware of the dangers technology brings. If the dangers of deforestation are shown, people will be impacted and want to do something about it. Boycotts of the multi-national corporations, that Alyssa stated, will start and help this cause. As you might know, Oprah Winfrey started a campaign to prevent texting and talking on the phone while driving. This campaign has reached millions and has decreased the amount of deaths in these types of motor vehicle accidents. Taking this wonderful idea and integrating it with deforestation can make an equal impact on our world.
    Education in the school can also give more awareness. By incorporating education of deforestation in classes like biology and human geography, gets a new population involved and may spark a new movement. This movement will not only help this generations but the generation to come.

  3. The world as a whole is able to help solve the problem of deforestation. Globalization in Brazil will help solve the dilemma of deforestation because it will make the people of the world aware of the things that have caused deforestation and what troubles it will lead to. The world will be able to see that the people of Brazil are actually causing problems. The logging, the cattle ranching, and the gathering of minerals allow for the indigenous and the large incorporations to cut down the Amazon rainforest. This can actually cause the global warming of the earth, which is something people are realizing is a huge problem in society today. People all over the globe need to help stop this monstrosity.

    In the global community, the United States and Brazil have signed a memorandum of understanding. “Under the MOU, Brazil and the United States will establish a Climate Change Policy Dialogue, which will meet at least once a year to work towards developing and implementing pragmatic solutions and policies for reducing emissions, including carbon markets; coordinating "joint efforts on research, development, deployment and dissemination of technologies for combating climate change;" and capacity-building in sectors related to climate change” (US). This has caused the two countries to meet every year to discuss ways that both can lessen deforestation. At one point, Brazil did not follow up on its part of the deal by letting large corporations slide, but that has changed because Brazil does not want to give a company a product that they will later use for more pollution.

    "U.S. and Brazil Sign Deforestation Agreement." Conservation and Environmental Science News. Web. 10 May 2010. .

  4. As a tragedy that greatly impacts the world socially, economically, and environmentally in so many ways, the deforestation of the Amazon is an issue that must be recognized and dealt with by all people of the global community. Not just reserved for scientists and professors, the cause should incite all people to action, echoing the fact that there is strength in numbers.

    As Ashley proposed, education, especially of today’s youth, is definitely a necessary component, because it provides the majority of society who still remain unaware of the significance of the issue an opportunity to become involved, increasing the contingency for a definitive solution. Though the process should not end there. After people become aware of the issue through instruction via the media and schooling, the most important step then necessitates immediate and effective action, that through the globalization and technology of the 21st century, becomes easier than ever before. Already, there exist numerous non-profit organizations, like STARO and AIRR (links provided below), which are determined on the absolute preservation of the rainforest. Not only by joining these organizations, but rather by actively participating, the global community is then able to come together to combat the forces of deforestation through peaceful protest and involvement with higher authority.

  5. good use of video. With your photo of rumble in the jungle, I was expecting a discussion of some of those organizations/corporations who are destroying the rain forest of Brazil. This would have been a profound opportunity for you to go beyond a comfort zone and research outside the box.
