Sunday, May 2, 2010

What are the Causes of Deforestation? and Is it an Issue Worthy of Recognition on a Global Scale?

By Santo

In recent decades, the rainforests of Brazil have fallen victim to what appears to be a complete disregard for the environment and life in general. Each year thousands of acres of Brazil's rainforests are lost to a process known as deforestation. Deforestation is the excessive, unnecessary measure of cutting down trees throughout the world's forested areas. There are a number of causes for the occurrence of deforestation in Brazil, but what are the immediate causes leading to the tragedy?

Each year, numbers of animal species indigenous to Brazil's rainforest become endangered or extinct as a result of their habitat being destroyed. Though, perhaps more important than the animal species of the rainforest, are its plant species, of which may possess the potential to cure numerous diseases, but due to deforestation they are being eradicated long before scientists have the opportunity to study them. Other environmental issues brought on by deforestation include soil erosion, climate change, and increased carbon emissions into the Earth's atmosphere. If this vicious process continues to occur at its current rate, Brazil's rainforest will cease to exist in just a few hundred years. Is deforestation in Brazil an issue worthy of recognition on a global scale?

Throughout this blog we will continue to discuss the problems of deforestation in Brazil, while also explaining how Christianity, Brazil's most practiced religion, and globalization, can offer a solution to the problem at hand.

(Photo Credit: )//


  1. Deforestation, especially in the Brazilian Amazon, is truly a devastating tragedy that largely impacts all living things in the global community. As Santo stated, it is a “vicious process” that, if not stopped, will lead to the dissolution of this great wonder that provides the earth with the resources it relies upon. According to data obtained from Holly Gibbs, its main cause of destruction appoints to the clearing of land for cattle ranching, accounting for 65-70%. Largely due to the low value of the Brazilian dollar that ushers them into to a competitive market, the Amazon’s resources are being exploited by ranchers who take advantage of the land to make a “quick buck”, moving onto a new area when the former’s nutrients are depleted. (Butler) While it may seem that this tragedy would only concern the country of Brazil, its subsequent social, environmental, and economical consequences negatively affect the whole globe. Considered to be the “lungs of the Earth” (Friedman), the Amazon’s vegetation traps carbon emissions and provides the world with oxygen. Though when these necessary trees are cleared, the reverse occurs, of which the Amazon accounts for 17% of the Earth’s carbon emissions, eventually leading to global warming. (Friedman) With the possibility of catastrophic climate change in the future, it should be the mission of all of humanity to solve this problem.

    Butler, Rhett A. "Amazon Destruction." Rainforests. Web. 03 May 2010. .

  2. Deforestation is often an over-looked issue. It is very understandable considering the issues the world consists of, such as poverty, war, and terror. However the question that has been brought up is if it is worthy of recognition on a global scale?
    Climate change is a direct result of deforestation. Not only does deforestation deplete the Earth's supply of oxygen but it also takes away nutrient sources (Globalchange). If the importance of the removal of deforestation continues to be ignored the Earth will seriously be in danger. In past years we have witnessed the harmful effects of natural disasters. Earthquakes, tornados, and volcanos have permanently damaged areas and taken many lives. Deforestation only adds to the possible damage that can be done. Specifically in the Amazon, the removal of the trees allows a higher risks of flooding (Butler). We have seen the destruction that water floods can do. Just thinking about the occurrences in New Orleans and recently in the US South brings chills and empathy to many US citizens. The possibility of killing lives, ruining animal habitats, and depleting natural resources for the satisfaction of money hardly seems worth the risk. The world needs to be aware of deforestation and the many dangers it brings!

  3. It’s no surprise the environmental infrastructure of forests is becoming a source for attention. The majority of today’s world is too centered on issues pertaining to the political and economic communities that people often neglect to look at the rest of the global complex. Every action is dependent on another, and if the way things are progressing maintain the same momentum, then forests such as the Brazilian Rainforest will cease to exist. The world needs to begin focusing on how to protect the Earth, but because society’s priorities are skewed, the world would rather focus on market.

    Joel Velasco, a representative of the Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association, stated that, “Unfortunately standing forest has no monetary value, until that changes the law of economics means more trees will fall (Parker).” Meaning trees will fall due to cattle ranching, soya production, illegal logging, and slash and burn; practices that will eventually leave the soil eroded. However, cattle ranching is the main reason accounting for an estimated 70% of deforestation (BBC | NEWs). For an area whose role helps shape the world’s climate and offers a vast biodiversity, deforestation in the Brazilian Rainforest is causing endangerment and extinction, an increase to the threat of greenhouse emissions, more desertification, and a reduction in the amount of indigenous land, just to name a few (Innes). With recognition to these effects, hopefully, mankind will act to preserve the environment for the future.

  4. Deforestation in Brazil has become a world issue in recent years because a large amount of the forest has been cut down. Many say it led to the problematic global warming that everyone has to now deal with (“Deforestation: Brazil”). With the earth now ridded of trees that took the carbon dioxide and converted it into oxygen, living organisms have less oxygen to share with all other creatures. Furthermore, species in the Amazon are lessening and will eventually die out because of deforestation. At this alarming rate, there will be little to no forest left in Brazil.

    With many direct causes leading to the deforestation that are proven to be true, one stands as the leading cause to this monstrous act, and that is the government. The government is the origin of the deforestation because it sets “…governmental tax policies, tax incentive systems, rules of land allocation, and the agricultural credit system…” that when “combined, these policies create economic distortions that harm the environment by increasing the demand for farm, pasture, and ranch land” (“Deforestation: Brazil”). Companies and the locals fight over the land used for creating the things that they need, like crops to survive or raw materials to make the demanded product. The larger companies push the common people out of the land that belong to them, and it makes the locals look for new land, which end up being in the Amazon. The land in the forest is cheap because it is unclaimed, but because of this thought, the land is cleared of trees with no thought of the aftermath. This leads to the logging, the cattle ranching, and the slashing and burning of the rainforest, or deforestation (“Deforestation: Brazil”).

    "Deforestation: Brazil." Colby College | Four-Year Liberal Arts College in Maine. Web. 28 Apr. 2010. .

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